Sunday, 21 July 2013

Task 4: Term 3 Week 3; Group Work

Blog Post Title

Relationship between SST students’ behaviour and their learning in the classroom


What role does diversity in our school play?
How does a person’s personality change in the cyber realm?
How does social media shape the behaviour of our students?
How are we learning formally / informally with digital media?

Research Title

Relationship between SST students’ behaviour and their learning in the classroom


Aims of research:

To find out whether behaviour affects learning and how it applies to students in SST S1-03 and if it does, how can we improve our behaviour

Subject(s) of study:

This research will study the behaviour of the students in SST S1-03


Relevance of research:

1. Why is your research important?
Our research is important because it teaches students in SST the importance of good behaviour and how it can affect their learning and in other ways.

2. Does [good or bad] behaviour affect learning? How?
Yes. The way students behave in a classroom can affect how much and how well they learn. It only takes one student who possesses misdemeanour behaviour and can disrupt the entire class and prevent his fellow classmates from learning properly. On the other hand, if a student possesses good behaviour, he will concentrate on the lesson, be a good student that is a delight to the teacher, and also not disrupt the class.
Taken from:
Misdemeanour Behaviour
Misdemeanour behaviours such as Disruptive behaviour, Racism, Sexism, Bullying, Timekeeping, Not doing homework, Abusive Behaviour, Fighting, and Swearing are often prevalent in school for all levels, so it definitely applies to this class.
How the school and the teachers can solve the problem of bad behaviour
When the school, usually through the teachers of that particular student, is able to identify an individual who possesses such behaviour, methods can be devised to help to positively develop that student. School environment often can either develop or stop bad behaviour.
Impact on students
Students can easily feel discouraged when constantly condemned for their academic faults. In order to encourage motivation in students, it is possible to first create a positive environment for them. Surprisingly, improving a student's academic achievement or behavior may only take a compliment or a change in classroom structure.
A student's negative behavior within an educational environment will reflect on how that environment is presented and how the student is coping in it. Classroom motivation may affect the student, just like a caregiver, and provide encouragement, opportunities, structure and a strong student-teacher relationship. This research is very relevant to us as students in SST and we may see classmates, schoolmates, or even ourselves possessing such behaviour.  

3. How does it contribute to existing body of knowledge?
The school can then devise necessary actions, steps, methods, plans, and even renew their goals, that is, nurturing and  developing their students to reach their fullest potential, and not just in the aspect of intelligence, but especially in the aspect of emotional, which predicts the success students can have in life based on the research findings.

4. How does your research contribute to/impact the society or community?
Identifying and arresting poor behaviour from a young age will matter to the society or community. Ultimately, young people who leave school with decent qualifications and good character will have more choices available to them later in life, leading to employers having a greater variety of employees and this will also increase the workforce in Singapore.

To compile sufficient information on SST students' behaviour to deal with both Good and Poor Students' behaviour so that the school can :

1. Arrest potential or existing problems that lead to poor behaviour which is a
major hindrance to one's academic achievement.
2. To help students develop and achieve their potential especially in the area of academics.
Related articles:
Feasibility and manageability:
Yes, it is manageable because the survey will only be done within our classes and therefore we need not travel out. It is feasible because it is again within SST and students and teachers can help to enforce the filling up and return of survey forms if survey forms are used. If interviews are needed, it is easy to find the particular teachers of different classes from different levels  to find out more about this topic from different points of views, which is “Relationship between SST students’ behaviour and their learning in the classroom”


1. How are you going to gather data?
a. Use Survey Monkey, google forms, or self-composed questionnaires
for students, teachers and/or parents.
b. Conduct interviews with students, teachers and parents.
e. Utilize school's past records, if any.
f. Set a quota on the number of participants of each interview
or survey to ensure realistic data are gathered.

2. How are you going to collate data?
Categorize data as follows:-
a. number of good and poor behaviour
b. for good behaviour,
factors that influenced good behaviour
c. for poor behaviour,
factors that caused poor behavioural problems

3. How are you going to sift and sort data ie. which data is important?
Identify which, if any, questions on your survey directly address the
purpose of research, in this case, directly related to
students' behaviour.
a. data  from past records especially from school are generally
considered reliable.
b. survey forms - segregate warped and genuinely filled ones.
c. survey forms from parents provides in depth insight into students
especially those alleged to have poor behaviour.

Data Analysis

  1. How are you going to analyse the data?
Categories and quantify data that has been collected.
Identify key problems and group them.

  1. How are you going to present the data?

We can have short slide presentation using keynote and it will include research objective and reasons behind for conducting research brief description of research method, graph or charts will also be used.

Our video

1. How we can present our research problem in an interesting way / a manner that grabs attention/ sets people thinking?

We can make the problem using a comical skid and have food for thought.

2. How you can present our research aims, relevancy and methodology in a clear and comprehensible manner?

We can have short slide presentation using keynote during our video.

The presentation will include:

1) Research objective and reasons behind for conducting research
2) Brief description of research method
3) Graph or charts can be used
4) Time and venue
5) Deadline
6) Team member’s names and roles

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Task 4: Term 3 Week 3

Group Task ( 1 Week )

  1. Pick a topic [that concerns you/ peers/ youth] – Final
  2. Generate as many essential questions as possible
  3. Rank EQS and select not more than five important ones
  4. Complete a justification write-up for the chosen topic
  5. Search related articles / literature


Your group post must have the following components.

  • Blog post title - Same as your research title
  • Research title e.g. "An investigation of food wastage by SST Students."
  • Aims of research - "This research is related to.... (state which Big Idea). It aims to ..... (list which essential questions you intend to address)"
  • Subject(s) of study - "This research will study a group of students.. / five students who are... "
  • Relevancy of research

  1. Why is your research important?
  2. How does it contribute to existing body of knowledge?
  3. How does your research contribute to/impact the society or community? 

  • Cite related articles (as evidence in support of your research)
  • Explain the feasibility and manageability of your research
  • Methodology

  1. How are you going to gather data?
  2. How are you going to collate data?
  3. How are you going to sift and sort data i.e. which data is important?

Data Analysis

  1. How are you going to analyse the data?
  2. How are you going to present the data?

Deadline: Monday, 22 July @ 9am

Person responsible to upload group post is Research Specialist.
Person responsible for leading discussion is Project Manager.
Person responsible for editing content of group post is Communications Manager.
Person responsible for drafting story board for proposal video is Multimedia Manager.

Video story board (for a clip that is about one minute long)
Think of how you can present your research problem in an interesting way/ a manner that grabs attention/ sets people thinking .  Think of how you can present your research aims, relevancy and methodology in a clear and comprehensible manner.

Upload to Group Blog by Monday, 22nd July @ 9am
Prepare a draft storyboard for proposal video.

Thank You.

Task 3; Term 3 Week 3

Individual Task: Information Literacy Modules (1 week)

Thank You.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Assessment Schedule

Assessment Schedule

Assessment ComponentWeightingDeadlineRemarks
Process: Group Applied Research E-Portfolio (Blog)20%T4W2Your Research E-Portfolio should be updated weekly in a timely fashion. Should you not be regular in documenting and updating your research e-portfolio, you will be penalised for poor time-management.
Product: Applied Research Proposal10%T3W3Create a short video proposal
Product: Written Research Report and Video
40%T3W10To be published using ibooks author, upload on your blog
Process: Insights and Reflections
20%T4W1Reflection videos to be published on your blog. Take a reflections survey.
Process: Peer Appraisal10%T4W2Take a confidential peer appraisal survey.

Link to Scheme of Work

Task 1 (Refined): Term 3 Week 1; Hao Nan

In SST, there are a lot of technology used, eg macbooks, But it is observed that many of them misuse it. From 1984 to Little Brother, people still make the mistake of misusing technology despite continuous warnings. In 1984, the government abused technology with the use of telescreens. The government used these screens to spy on its citizens, effectively turning the technology against the people and asserting it as a tool for totalitarians. Similarly, authorities in Little Brother used cameras and arphids to track both students and adults, giving the DHS abusive power, violating the rights of average Americans, and setting the stage for a government like the one seen in1984. This technology was misused in the name of security, yet it failed to increase the safety of the masses. Thus, both 1984 and Little Brothershow that, if technology is used to take freedom away instead of asserting it, society will be on the road to oppression. People misuse technology in similar ways today. For example, instead of using cell phones as tools with which they can communicate with their children, parents buy cell phones with tracking devices. This allows them to constantly monitor their children and limit their freedom. After the 9/11 attacks, George W. Bush’s administration used technology to hack into people’s phone calls, hoping to uncover any information needed to prevent future attacks.  It is questionable if these actions were necessary, considering that, prior to the 9/11 attacks, the CIA and FBI already had all the information they needed to stop the Twin Towers and Pentagon from being destroyed. Thus, technology is still used impractically to take away people’s rights in the name of security. Even after the attacks, the government used technology to monitor citizens and protest, as shown in the following video(Illegal).  


Hao Nan.

Evaluation Worksheet

Please complete the evaluation sheet that was given out. Give it to me latest by Friday but try to complete it as soon as possible.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Task 1 (Refined): Term 3 Week 1: Chiang Kai Jie

Behaviour is the manner of how one conducts himself/herself. Behaviour can be an act and can be a body language, which can be influenced by other people or it can be naturally reacted. There are different degrees of behaviour, from courteous and elegant, to aggressive and offensive. Behaviour is also somewhat a habit we carry on ourselves and react with different circumstances. 

Connecting behaviour with school context, in school behaviour is often known as Code of Conduct. As there are many friends in school, there are students coming from different backgrounds, families and countries. The words that we used in school can be highly influenceable. But in many ways, these words can influence people the positive way, example: Learning to say thank you after someone finds your lost item. Or the restless way, example: bellowing hilarious vulgarities at one another. This cycle goes on and on. That’s why the school introduced the Character Education programme every Monday. This programme aims to nurture students to exhibit better attitude and mannerism. 

And sometimes I do wonder how if the school doesn’t polish our behavior and when we step out to the real world, and we carry our reckless attitude along!

Kai Jie

Task 1: Term 3 Week 1: Grace

Big Ideas: Behaviours

- Does sst students have good behaviour?

- Will sst students' behaviour tarnish the school reputation?
- How would our behaviour affect others?
- What should our behaviour be like so that we do not tarnish the school reputation?
- Who can help us with our behaviour?


Saturday, 6 July 2013

Task 1(Refined): Term 3 week 1: Shaun

Student-Teacher Relationship

            How important is the student teacher relationship in a school?  Children spend approximately 5 to 7 hours a day with a teacher for almost 10 months. All of us have gone through schooling, and if fortunate had a favourite teacher. A positive relationship between the student and the teacher may seem hard to establish for some of us, but it can be done. Once the relationship between the teacher and the students is good, the students’ learning experience would become more enjoyable and profitable at the same time. Both the teacher and student should have good communication and respect. The teacher also has to show interest in teaching while the student should have a good learning attitude in order to establish a positive relationship in the classroom. Therefore, we should try to establish good relationships with our teachers and do our part as a student. It will benefit our learning in school and help us to excel faster and better.

Task 1 (Refined): Term 3 Week 1; Grace Tan

SST is a very unique. It has a good reputation and this is quite reflective in the classroom in terms of discipline, and thus the class of 25 is usually managed very well. Students understand what is expected out of them in the classroom. We have a habit to greet every teacher with a small bow when we encounter one.  We are mostly well-behaved and are very respectful.

However there are times when the teachers leave the room, we become a little rowdy. Some teachers do find our class rather challenging.

To discourage bad behaviour, we have a Character Education (CE) Programme that aims to nurture the young ladies and gentlemen at SST into individuals who possess the moral courage to do the right things and make the right decisions in life.  The teachers also teaches us to have a right attitude and good behaviour, so not to tarnish the school reputation and this also allows us to bond with our classmates.

If there is any behaviour or discipline issues, most of our teachers would talk to the student after school and require the student to complete an incident report so to reflect upon what they have done. For severe or repeated cases, detention and even suspension may be employed to deter students from misbehaving.

In conclusion, the school and parents have certain degree of influence over us however it is us that have to make the final decision and effort to be AWESOME!
