Saturday, 6 July 2013

Task 1 (Refined): Term 3 Week 1; Grace Tan

SST is a very unique. It has a good reputation and this is quite reflective in the classroom in terms of discipline, and thus the class of 25 is usually managed very well. Students understand what is expected out of them in the classroom. We have a habit to greet every teacher with a small bow when we encounter one.  We are mostly well-behaved and are very respectful.

However there are times when the teachers leave the room, we become a little rowdy. Some teachers do find our class rather challenging.

To discourage bad behaviour, we have a Character Education (CE) Programme that aims to nurture the young ladies and gentlemen at SST into individuals who possess the moral courage to do the right things and make the right decisions in life.  The teachers also teaches us to have a right attitude and good behaviour, so not to tarnish the school reputation and this also allows us to bond with our classmates.

If there is any behaviour or discipline issues, most of our teachers would talk to the student after school and require the student to complete an incident report so to reflect upon what they have done. For severe or repeated cases, detention and even suspension may be employed to deter students from misbehaving.

In conclusion, the school and parents have certain degree of influence over us however it is us that have to make the final decision and effort to be AWESOME!


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